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Tag: Philippines

Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship

he Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship (APS) is a shared initiative of The Nippon Foundation, the University for Peace (UPEACE), and Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU). The objective of the programme is to train young Asian professionals to become peacebuilding practitioners, ready to take up leading positions in organisations across the globe. In particular, the programme serves to strengthen the representation of Asian professionals with expertise in Asian issues.

The programme offers intensive, specialised language training to facilitate the participation of professionals with lower levels of English proficiency, thus allowing them to study in both Costa Rica and The Philippines. Scholars obtain a Master of Arts Degree from the University for Peace (UPEACE) in an area related to peacebuilding, and a Master’s Degree in Transdisciplinary Social Development from Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU).

Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines MBA and MDM Scholarships

We must have more enlightened business leaders. We must have leaders who will think of what is good in terms of the country as a whole – not just in terms of profits for themselves. Enlightened leaders would have a lot to do with the kind of private enterprise we will have. This is important for the country as a whole. And it seems that we cannot have this type of leadership without this type of school!

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