The Khon Kaen University (KKU) invites nationals of ASEAN and GMS Countries to apply for the KKU Scholarship
for ASEAN and GMS Countries’ Personnel of Academic Year 2020.
Type of Programs
Master degree: 2 years
Doctoral degree: 3 years
Eligible applicants must satisfy the following criteria
1) Be nationals of ASEAN and GMS countries (including Yunnan and Guangxi of China) .
2) The applicant must not be over 40 years of age on the date of application.
3) Hold a bachelor’s degree if applying for a Master Degree level and If applying for a Doctoral Degree level both degree holding of bachelor and master’s degree are required.
4) Have a good English proficiency.
5) Be of good health physically and mentally.
6) Fulfill all the requirements as per those who are eligible to study in that particular curriculum at Khon Kaen University.
Application deadline
The application and all relevant documents must be submitted no later than February 28, 2020 at 04.00 pm. Thailand local time. Late submission or incomplete application forms/document will not be considered.
Please click for more information.

KKU_Application_Guidelineness_2020 KKU_Scholarship_Application_Procedure